Monthly Archives: November 2017

What Makes a Photographer Happy…

If there’s one thing that really makes a photographer happy, it’s when she gets to visit with families over and over again. A huge thank you to the families out there, like this one, who’ve trusted me to help document their precious memories.  As any parent knows, the time with your children really does seem…

Candy Cane Hearts

I don’t think I have ever met a kid who doesn’t like candy canes.  So when I was thinking of what little thing I could add to a recent photo shoot to give it something special, something holiday… candy canes came to mind.  I love the big old fashion type of candy. Where the reds…

Baby Leo’s Baptism

While he didn’t make a peep, I like to imagine there were cheers in heaven yesterday morning, as sweet baby Leo was baptized.  That our loved ones were looking down, happily witnessing the pouring of water and promises made of helping this baby boy learn to love God and lead a life through Him. Congratulations…

Handful of Treasure

I always thought I’d have a winter wedding.  Maybe it’s because of my love for the movie classic White Christmas.  My dress would be similar to those worn by the Haynes sisters as they sang around the Christmas tree.  Maybe my dress wouldn’t be Christmas red, but it sure would sparkle… and have fur trim…

Fall colors, fabulous boots and some amazing moves!

I am so happy this family was game to dodge the rain one recent morning and meet me for a photo shoot. Sure, EVERYTHING was wet… but nothing we couldn’t handle 😉 In fact, I think the wet weather made our surroundings a little more beautiful. The leaves had a richer color, the wet stone…


 I am a natural light photographer living in the western suburbs of Chicago.   Thank you for taking a moment to look around my website. It would be an honor to help capture your life's special moments.

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