Monthly Archives: January 2018

Unicorn Dreamcatcher

Ever since my husband and I took our six-year-old daughter to see the movie Coco, which was fabulous by the way, Emily has had a million questions about death. More specifically, about when I am going to die.  “Mom, how many days until you die?” “When you cross the bridge will you be able to come…

After School Snow Fun

When you are a kid, it is hard not to jump into a pile of snow EVERY SINGLE TIME you go outside.  Unfortunately, with the bitter cold weather we’ve been having this winter, there have only been a few days that we have been able to get out in the snow and actually play.  But,…

Beautiful Baby Bump

This gorgeous mama is soon to deliver her second child. As her due date is fast approaching, she really wanted to get a couple of photos of her beautiful bump with the Chicago skyline as a backdrop.  But it’s January. In Chicago. The weather usually doesn’t cooperate and the day we planned for the shoot…

a little snow crazy

I simply cannot wait to get outdoors during a beautiful snowfall and click away. But until then, a little editing magic will have to do.  I had to giggle to myself today while I was playing around with these photos I took of Emily.  I found myself adding more and more fake snow to the…


 I am a natural light photographer living in the western suburbs of Chicago.   Thank you for taking a moment to look around my website. It would be an honor to help capture your life's special moments.

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